What kind of encryption does Ethereum use?
Actually none at all, all information stored on the block is unencrypted so that all public users may view and verify the update as legitimate. That's not to say that there isn't any cryptography in play with Ethereum. In particular, public key cryptography is the basis for EOA's (externally owned accounts), often relying on elliptic curve cryptography for their public and private keys.
What is a digital signature?
The math behind elliptic curve cryptograph allows for message details, the transaction essentially, to be combined with the public key to create a code that proves only be able to be created via access to the private key. Other users on the block are then able to verify that the transaction is legitimate by looking at the info the the digital signature, verifying the transaction details and the address which access is being requested notable bypassing exposing the private key.
What does a private key look like?
It just looks like a number, a very truly random number that would be extremely unlikely to be picked again. In Ethereum SHA-256 or Keccak-256 algorithms are used to generate random 256 bit keys.
- Well if a private key is just some numbers perhaps we can use those numbers to create generative art? To create design systems? To imbue into physical designs?
- *In particular after getting feedback about my thesis proposal I realize that I either have to refine the physical mediums involved or better explain/integrate or defend the use of a 'performative' installation space.
- In response to the feedback: Especially with how my thesis explores capitalism and post-humous capitalism especially, can I use a physical installation w/ hash data to further accentuate the existing ideas and questions?